It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to launch a new site focused on the legal operations career. For the last six years I’ve ran the Legal Technologist magazine and have enjoyed seeing the growth of legal ops across the world. Now I’m excited to have the opportunity alongside Marco Mendola (Relationships Director) and Ariana Vojvodic (Assistant Editor) to create a site that has real impact for those pursuing the legal operations career path.
I see this as a community space, where every member has the ability to contribute (if they so wish) and in doing so you’re able to gain credits towards items or subscription discounts. Creating something like this isn’t a profit-making venture but more a vehicle where all members are welcome on board to enjoy the ride towards innovation and progress. I’ve always been interested in personal content ever since I started the Legal Technologist and in some respects this is the most personal yet.
It focuses on people and their careers – how people got to where they are and how those that are already there can pull down the ladder. It focuses on bringing people together to discuss topics that have impact not only to them personally but to legal operations people everywhere. Through collaboration and discussion we will be able to instigate positive change in how the legal ops career is shaped and how it is presented as a career option.
We will also provide useful member benefits like discounted event tickets, new job roles, content on training and development, access to special projects, networking opportunities, as well as content relevant to you.
This is just the beginning. I hope you enjoy the ride with us!
Marc May
Founder, The Legal Technologist