Functional Areas of Legal Operations
Defining Legal Operations
Legal Operations is made up of a number of different disciplines. Traditionally these disciplines have focused on the in-house corporate legal team. However, we have broadened out what we consider to be ‘legal ops’ to law firms and consultancies too.
So far we have added some definition to the consultancy and law firm settings – but have
based the in-house setting disciplines on the CLOC Core 12. However, we will be reviewing this as part of the defining the legal ops career path project.
Feel free to look at the mural board here to see our current work.

Career Stories: Katy Snell Pt 1 “You must really like books…”
I've been working in the library and information sector for over 20 years (if you count my Saturday job). While these days my job title is Knowledge Systems an ...
What do law firm legal ops people do?
When looking at legal operations it is usually defined in a way that focuses on in-house corporate legal teams. However, other settings such as consultancies a ...
What is eDiscovery?
eDiscovery is the general term for the process of preserving, collecting, processing, reviewing, and producing electronic material for disclosure in litigation ...
What is Document Automation?
Document automation is the process of making documents quicker to draft using technology. In the legal context, these documents are usually contracts, associat ...